Regular Meeting

September 8, 2022, 5:30pm



NBFD Fire Station – 444 E. Chubbuck Road

September 8, 2022 @ 5:30pm

  1. OPEN MEETING - The meeting was opened at 5:30pm by Commissioner Johnson.

  1. ROLL CALL - Commissioner Johnson, Chief Brood and Secretary Ramirez appeared in person. Commissioner Curtis appeared by Google Meet and Commissioner Shell appeared by phone.


    1. Approval of agenda - Commissioner Shell made a motion and was seconded by Commissioner Curtis to approve the agenda. The motion passed unanimously.

    2. Approval of minutes of August 11, 2022 regular meeting - Commissioner Shell made a motion and was seconded by Commissioner Curtis to approve the minutes. The motion passed unanimously.

    3. Approval of minutes of August 25, 2022 budget meeting - Commissioner Curtis made a motion and was seconded by Commissioner Shell to approve the minutes. The motion passed unanimously.

    4. Approval of minutes of August 29, 2022 special meeting - Commissioner Shell made a motion and was seconded by Commissioner Curtis to approve the minutes. The motion passed unanimously.


    1. Statement balances for District accounts

      1. ICCU - $40,121.26 in savings, $674,119.73 in checking

      2. Connections - $25 in savings and $0 in checking

    2. Approval of monies received - Commissioner Curtis made a motion and was seconded by Commissioner Johnson to approve the monies received. The motion passed unanimously.

      1. Bannock County - $17,914.08

      2. Vickie Warner - $400.00

    3. Authorization of payment of fire district invoices - Commissioner Curtis made a motion and was seconded by Commissioner Johnson to approve the payment of the district invoices. The motion passed unanimously.

      1. Payroll/Benefits - $1,737.65

      2. SignUp - $1,322.75

      3. Harper-Leavitt Engineering - $2,365.00

      4. State Insurance Fund - $818.00

      5. ICRMP - $5,402.50

      6. Sound Source - $7,532.50

      7. The Accounting Office - $222.50

      8. White Peterson - $1,593.75

    4. Authorization of payment of fire department invoices - Commissioner Curtis made a motion and was seconded by Commissioner Johnson to approve the payment of the department invoices. The motion passed unanimously.

      1. Weidner Fire - $3,930.04

    5. Approval of auto pay invoices - Commissioner Curtis made a motion and was seconded by Commissioner Johnson to approve the auto pay invoices. The motion passed unanimously.

      1. City of Chubbuck - $313.45

      2. Idaho Power - $177.00

      3. Intermountain Gas - $338.00

      4. Sparklight - $72.24

    6. Approval of credit card charges - Commissioner Curtis made a motion and was seconded by Commissioner Johnson to approve the credit card charges. The motion passed unanimously.

      1. Fuel - $386.29

      2. Facilities - $90.91

      3. FirstNet - $233.46

    7. The chief’s card needed to be replaced this month. Commissioner Curtis got him a new one.

    8. Commissioner Curtis completed the County L2 form and submitted it to the state auditor.


    1. In the month of August, we had 7 calls for service, 0 EMS assist calls. Four of those were mutual aid for Wildland fires, 1 false alarm call, and three in district fires.

    2. We currently have 19 volunteer members with two of those being new recruits.

    3. The 2000 International Tender is still at our mechanics and I am waiting on a completion date in regards to the repairs, he is having a hard time receiving parts and installing the pump that was provided.

    4. Radios: Order has been placed with day wireless 6 portables and two mobiles utilizing the county grant, unknown delivery time and I have placed a separate order for the Bendix Kings at a cost of $6,271.60. We are still waiting on grants within the county.

    5. New command truck is complete and in service.


    1. Fire: We completed engine operations and ventilation training. We also conducted address verification within our district.

    2. EMS: None.

  1. FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION - No one from the association attended the meeting.


    1. Status of building a second station (Morton Buildings to remote in at 5:45pm)

      1. Jason Kubichon, Jake Butikofer, and Martin Medley from Morton Buildings appeared via Google Meet.

      2. The board went over the initial station floor plans with Jason, the architect, and made several suggestions on changes we’d like to make to the plans. Changes will be made and ready for review in 2-3 weeks.

      3. Commissioner Shell spoke with Bill Gigray regarding the board’s plan to buy the entire property and lease it back to the Watsons. Commissioner Shell requested Bill to create an agreement for this purchase.

      4. We need to find out the amount of the Watson’s mortgage ASAP.

      5. We need to find out if there is a land use regulation with the county detailing the amount of buildings that could be constructed on one parcel since the Watsons want to build a shed/shop and we want to build the new station.

      6. What are we going to do if the Watsons leave and we have a subsequent renter?

      7. We need to talk to the County and City of Pocatello about annexing and building on the property. Commissioner Shell will contact and set up meetings.

    2. Status on the sale of district assets - There is no new information for this item.

    3. Discussion on getting a public information officer

      1. The board feels that there is a need to have a public information officer (PIO) to help to keep the public informed of the happenings in the District. All press matters would go through the PIO.

      2. The PIO position would be a volunteer position and the candidate would need to go to training.

      3. Commissioner Johnson knows someone who he feels would be a good PIO.

      4. Commissioner Johnson made a motion and was seconded by Commissioner Shell to create the position of a PIO and to find someone to fill it. The motion passed unanimously.


    1. Someone wondered if there was any signage or a way to inform the people entering the canyon area of the burn ban or other fire district information. The chief suggested getting a reader board or to put signs up on the land the District is trying to buy to inform the public better. The lady said we could put signs on her land, but that it was already pretty far into the canyon and that it probably wouldn’t do much good. Commissioner Johnson and the Chief stated that we would work on an option to put up signage.

  1. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to Idaho Code §74-206(1)(a) to discuss personnel issues.

    1. Commissioner Johnson made a motion and was seconded by Commissioner Shell to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters. The motion passed unanimously and the executive session started at 7:10pm.

    2. The commissioners returned from executive session at 7:29pm.

  1. NEW BUSINESS - None

  1. ADJOURNMENT - Commissioner Shell made a motion and was seconded by Commissioner Johnson to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting closed at 7:30pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Todd Ramirez, Board Secretary