North Bannock Fire District

Meeting Info

Regular meetings are scheduled on the second Thursday of each month at 5:30 PM located at 444 E. Chubbuck Road.

Virtual Meeting Link 

Office Hours

Monday - Friday

10:00 - 2:00

See Contact Us.

Burn Ban Active

Starting July 1, 2024, a ban on certain types of fires will be in place for all of Bannock County. Many of the fire officials from the municipalities and fire districts throughout Bannock County worked together to create a unified burn ban with the intent of reducing the risk of wildfires.


No open burning or fireworks are allowed within the Wildland-Urban Interface Areas of Bannock County because of anticipated fire danger. The use of commercial gas fire pits and appliances designed for food prep, such as gas grills and/or charcoal briquettes, are exempted from the ban when used according to the manufacturer’s instructions.


Campfires and recreational fires are allowed in developed campgrounds and private residences, provided they comply with the following limitations: Contained within a pit or ring, not to exceed 3 feet in diameter, 3 feet flame height, and 25 feet from structures or ignitable objects and should be screened to eliminate airborne embers.


Only non-aerial fireworks are allowed in non-wildland urban interface areas.  Per Idaho State Code, no aerial fireworks are allowed anywhere except for approved professional fireworks displays.


The ban will remain in place until October 1, 2024, or until conditions allow it to be lifted.


If you have questions about the burn ban or fireworks, please Contact Us