The North Bannock Fire District was created by the Bannock County Commissioners in 1979 to provide fire services for unincorporated areas in North Bannock County; specifically on the west bench of Pocatello extending north of Chubbuck and around to Pocatello Creek on the east side of Pocatello. Fire services includes fire prevention, suppression, and inspections.
Bannock County has seven fire districts (aka taxing districts):
North Bannock Fire
Fire Chief - Brian Curtis
444 E Chubbuck Rd
Chubbuck, ID 83202
Other fire districts in Bannock County:
Pocatello Valley Fire
Fire Chief - Karen Aguilar
8877 Cinnamon Ridge
Pocatello, ID 83204
Jackson Creek Fire
(Contract services by City of Inkom)
2407 N Pamela Dr
Inkom, ID 83245
McCammon Rural Fire
(Contract services by City of McCammon)
3470 S Marsh Creek Rd
McCammon, ID 83250
Downey Fire
Hwy 91
PO Box 243
Downey, ID 83234
Lava Rural Fire
(Contract services by City of Lava Hot Springs)
PO Box 431
Lava Hot Springs, ID 83246
Arimo Fire
PO Box 61
Arimo, ID 83214