Meeting Minutes

May 13, 2021




NBFD FIRE STATION - 444 E Chubbuck Road

May 13, 2021

Meeting was opened by Commissioner Curtis at 7:04 PM.

Roll call –Commissioner Alan Curtis, Commissioner Deb Shell, Commissioner Roy Allen, Assistant Chief Brood; Fire Chief JR Farnsworth, June Heilman, Secretary, by video


  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to approve the agenda. The motion passed unanimously.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Shell and seconded by Commissioner Curtis to approve the minutes of the April 8, 2021 meeting. The motion passed unanimously.


The following balances were reported by Alan Curtis:

ICCU checking account - $371,169.38

ICCU savings account - $40,066.23

ICCU credit card balance - 0

Connections Credit Union checking account - $96,884.89

Connections Credit Union savings account - $25.00

48,000 cash back rewards were claimed from the ICCU in the amount of $300.00.

Assistant Chief Brood was refunded $33.16 for a PERSI payment.

The City of Chubbuck as been enrolled as an autopay utility bill. There is a discount of about 15% for enrolling in autopay.

Commissioner Curtis is requesting that he be replaced as treasurer due to time constraints.


Chief Farnsworth reported there were 9 calls in April; these were all fire calls. Eighty-one burn permits were issued. There were 2 final building inspections and 10 construction site inspections. Three additional SCBA packs were received. Both engines have the same packs. Older SCBAs were placed in the 2 command vehicles. The new Cairns fire helmets will be issued to the firefighters who have received their IFSAC Fighter 1 certification. Responding to concerns of the commissioners, the fire chief assured them safety protocols are in place for the protection of the firefighters when there is a fire along the railroad tracks.


  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to adopt Google Meet for the NBFD meetings. The motion passed unanimously. It is free; there is no need to renew the Zoom contract.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to approve the Bureau of Indian Affairs Memorandum of Understanding (BIA MOU). The motion passed unanimously.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Allen to approve the Southeastern Idaho Reciprocal Fire Fighting Assistance Agreement. The motion passed unanimously.


Assistant Chief Brood reported the April training included engine pump and drafting operations and wildland engine and company response. A wildland pack test was completed for most of the firefighters. Twenty -three firefighters trained on the FST Burn Trailer which is the final stage for those eligible for FF1 certification. There was also an EMS equipment familiarization.


Commissioner Shell reported on the last meeting of the Outreach Committee. The open house was held on May 1, 2021 with several fire district constituents attending. A sign was placed in each of the subdistricts regarding the levy vote for May 18, 2021. There has been some media coverage of the levy vote.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to authorize the payment of the fire district invoices listed below. The motion passed unanimously.

White Peterson (Legal services) $157.50

State Insurance Fund (Workman’s Comp) $721.00

The Paperwork Place (Printing) $1,810.95

Cami Farnworth (Meeting refreshments) $80.68

24/7 Plumbing & Drains (Plumbing) $95.00

Litho Printing (Printing) $127.49

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Allen to authorize the payment of the fire department invoices listed below. The motion passed unanimously.

Idaho Federal Surplus (PPEs/shop equipment) $171.50

Weidner Fire (Volunteer benefits/awards) $1,872.67

L.N. Curtis (PPEs) $13,950.00

Commercial Tire (Vehicle maintenance) $872.12

City of Chubbuck (Water/sewer) $207.18

Office Depot (Office supplies) $123.58

Mechanical Solutions (Facility maintenance) $178.50

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to approve the payment of the bill pay invoices listed below. The motion passed unanimously.

Intermountain Gas (Natural gas) $244.74

Sparklight (Internet) $72.24

Idaho Power (Electricity) $182.48

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Allen to approve the fire department credit card charges listed below. The motion passed unanimously.

Common Cents (Vehicles: fuel) $72.90

Shell – Jackson’s (Vehicles: fuel) $492.35

Paramount Supply (Vehicles: add-on equipment) -$67.85

Advance Auto (Supplies) $74.94

Amazon (Vehicle maintenance/ truck equipment/supplies) $126.06

Home Depot (Supplies) $56.31

Bonneville Industrial (PPEs) $234.00

First Net (Facility: phone) $104.28


Chief Farnsworth presented information regarding a problem with the sprinkler system. He will arrange for it to be repaired.

Chief Farnsworth reported there have been 2 food vendor inspections with a charge of $50 for each inspection. Commissioner Curtis said the $100 has been deposited into the ICCU checking account.

There was a brief discussion of the Fort Hall irrigation. Commissioner Allen will assist the fire chief in obtaining the Fort Hall schedule and accessing the water.

The next regular meeting will be June 10, 2021 at 7 PM and will include an executive session.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Allen to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 PM. The motion passed unanimously.

Respectively submitted,

June Heilman, Secretary