Meeting Minutes

March 25, 2021





March 25, 2021

The meeting was called to order by Debbie Shell at 7:06pm

Roll call: Mark Hinds, J.R. Farnsworth, Debbie Shell, Wes Johnson, Trina Hall, Leslie Stewart, Jim Sanford

Minutes: J.R. moved and Mark seconded the motion to approve the meeting minutes from February 25, 2021. Motion passed.

Update on Committee Projects:

Mark submitted a rough draft for the second letter to Fire District residents. He included NBFD success stories, and the importance of continuing to build on those successes. He also included how the cost to taxpayers compares to other local fire districts. Discussion about additional information to include took place, with the following ideas for additions:

Consequences of “yes” vote vs. “no” vote

Comments on GIFF agreement

Note that the breakdown would be approximately $12/month per $100,000 property value, and compare this to other standard expenses for things like Netflix, pizza, etc.

Add call volume numbers

Clarify that voters approved $680,000/year for the last two years; asking for $500,000/year

We currently provide equal coverage for residents in the district up to Parks Road – we need to provide equal coverage in areas past Parks Road

Mention that NBFD is applying for all grants possible (some grants not possible until we have trained firefighters and/or three years of data)

Difficulty of/expense of getting home owners insurance if NBFD is not funded and not able to operate

J.R offered to continue working on the letter, with submission to the Outreach Committee for their review before the next Commissioners’ meeting on April 8. The goal is to have a final draft ready for the Commissioners’ meeting.

An open house at the fire station for district residents, prior to the levy vote, and if COVID restrictions allow such a gathering at that time, is being planned. May 8 was set as the date.

A suggestion was made that advertising to vote and for the open house take place on television, radio and newspaper

Open discussion was held about the possibility of the Pioneer Trail System being developed near Pocatello Creek Road. Concerns were expressed about the impact on North Bannock Fire Department, with additional usage and possible fires in that area. Consensus of the group was that development should not take place unless and until a second fire station is available closer to the canyons area of the District, which can only happen if the levy request is passed.

The next meeting will be held in person at the fire station on Thursday, April 22, 7:00pm per consensus of the group.

Motion for adjournment was made at 8:02pm by J.R. and seconded by Mark. Motion passed.

Activities to be working on for future meetings:

Cami – Plan possible open house at station

Wendy – Work on revising and posting the banners

Mark – Investigate insurance for air drops

J.R. – Information on federal grants for air drops

Debbie – Distribute Roy’s ideas for 2nd letter to Committee

Topics for talking points (please come to the next meeting with additions/corrections for this list)

  • Value of being an independent fire department

  • Why we’re asking for $500,000 instead of the ~$825,000 we could have asked for

  • No 3% annual increase

  • Consequences of a “No” vote vs. consequences of passing the levy

  • What do I get for my money? (reserves replenished, operations, funding for matching grants, second station in sub-district 3, and others)

  • Cost of having to contract with Pocatello or Chubbuck

  • Importance of second station – fire assist available for sub-districts 1&2 from Pocatello and Chubbuck, but no assist available in sub-district 3

Timeline (draft):

2nd letter to patrons – mid-April (first draft due by March Commissioners’ meeting)

Open House – May 8, if restrictions allow

Talking points ready – TBD

Commissioner video answering questions –complete and posted on Facebook and NBFD website

Facebook posts – ongoing. Thank you, J.R.!

Email reminder to vote – TBD

Banners posted – TBD

PowerPoint developed - TBD