Meeting Minutes

June 10, 2021




NBFD FIRE STATION - 444 E Chubbuck Road

June 10, 2021

Meeting was opened by Commissioner Allen at 7:00 PM.

Roll call –Commissioner Roy Allen, Commissioner Deb Shell, Commissioner Alan Curtis, Fire Chief JR Farnsworth, Assistant Fire Chief Mark Brood, Jim Devenny, Firefighters’ Association; June Heilman, Secretary, by phone

ACTION ITEM: A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell that the Board pursuant to Idaho Code § 74-206 convene in Executive Session to consider personnel matters [Idaho Code §74-206(1)(a) & (b)]. The motion passed unanimously. The Executive Session was convened at 7:04 PM.


After the Executive Session was adjourned at 7:18 PM, the regular meeting resumed.


  • A motion was made by Commissioner Shell and seconded by Commissioner Curtis to approve the agenda. The motion passed unanimously.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Shell to approve the minutes of the May 13,2021 meeting. The motion passed unanimously.


The following balances were reported by Alan Curtis:

ICCU checking account - $351,780.25

ICCU savings account - $40,091.23

ICCU credit card balance - $1,292.10

Connections Credit Union checking account - $96,884.89

Connections Credit Union savings account - $25.00


Chief Farnsworth reported there were 19 calls in May; 11 were fire calls and 3 EMS assist calls; 4 were mutual aid calls. Eighty-one burn permits were issued. There were 9 final new building inspections and 10 construction site inspections. Thirty-six burn permits were issued. A firework display permit was issued to Western Display Fireworks for a firework show at the fairgrounds on July 3rd. The GIFF group wants to coordinate the burn ban to provide a unified front. July 1st was determined to be the date of the burn ban, but that date may be moved up due to the extreme weather and fuel moisture conditions. The National Interagency Coordination Center Predictive Services predicts most of Idaho will be in above normal wildland fire potential for the next 3 months. The chief reported on his attendance at the Idaho Fire Chief’s Conference. There are 2 programs he wants to implement. One is the cost recovery services to help cover the costs from responses. The other is the fire bucks program to assist with the retention of fire fighters. He reviewed the multiple grant applications that have been submitted and are pending. He provided a list of the current fire department and firefighter needs.


  • A motion was made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Curtis to table action on the purchase of additional PPEs until the budget negotiations for FY2021-2022. The motion passed unanimously.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to implement a cost recovery service and utilize Fire Recovery as the cost recovery service for the fire department. The motion passed unanimously. This service will allow the fire department to be reimbursed for costs incurred in responses involving those outside the fire district. Fire Recovery has no set up costs and retains 22% of the collected claim costs. The fire chief will present a resolution to establish the cost recovery program at the next meeting after obtaining legal input. A contract agreement with Fire Recovery will also need to be drawn up.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Shell to instruct the fire chief to continue exploring with the County the staging of a Bannock County ambulance at the fire station. The motion passed unanimously.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Shell to develop the Fire Bucks program for the NBFD firefighters and incorporate the costs into the FY2021-22 budget. The motion passed unanimously. Fire bucks are accrued by the firefighters responding to calls, attending training sessions and participating in community events. The firefighter can then use the fire bucks to purchase certain items and gift cards. The specifics will be developed by the department.


Assistant Chief Brood reported there are currently 29 firefighters with 16 at FF1 or above. The training in May included interior search and rescue, hands on wildland training, EMS HIPAA guidelines, and workplace harassment.


There was a brief discussion of the levy results. Commissioner Allen thanked everyone for their efforts and the constituents for their support. The levy passed with 69.9% approval. The variations of voting results by location were noted.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Shell to increase the salaries of the fire chief and assistant chief by at least 3% following the COLA (cost of living adjustment) for FY2021-2022. The motion passed unanimously. There has been no increase in the salaries during the past 2 years. In the future the increases will be based on performance evaluations.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Curtis to authorize an RFP (request for proposal) for the services of an accounting firm or individual to assist with the fire district finances. The motion passed unanimously.

It has been noted the ICRMP renewal premium on October 1,2021 will be $10,290.00. The premium for the current year was $1,573.00.

The commissioners are to review the budget and line items that Chief Farnsworth has prepared as the proposed budget for FY2021-2022 will be finalized at the next meeting.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Shell and seconded by Commissioner Allen to move forward on the acquisition of the property on Anderson Lane for the site of the second fire station. The motion passed unanimously.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Shell to offer $2,000.00 in earnest money to hold the property for 6 months. The motion passed unanimously. The attorney will be asked to draw up the agreement. It is understood that this money will be nonrefundable.

The commissioners reviewed the monies received from fees and rents as listed below.

Western Display Fireworks (Firework display permit) $190.00

Vickie Warner (3 month rent for house) $1,200.00

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Shell and seconded by Commissioner Allen to authorize the payment of the fire district invoice listed below. The motion passed unanimously.

Facebook (Publishing ads) $25.00

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Shell to authorize the payment of the fire department invoices listed below. The motion passed unanimously.

Office Depot (Office supplies) $28.71

K & M Repair (Vehicle maintenance) $2,739.45

Weidner Fire (Volunteer benefits/awards) $1,873.76

Lawn Sense (Facility maintenance) $197.58

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Shell and seconded by Commissioner Curtis to approve the payment of the bill pay invoices listed below. The motion passed unanimously.

Intermountain Gas (Natural gas) $111.15

Sparklight (Internet) $72.24

Idaho Power (Electricity) $165.25

City of Chubbuck (Water/sewer) $210.50

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to approve the fire department credit card charges listed below. The motion passed unanimously.

Sun Valley Lodge (Training: lodging) $566.28

Shell – Jackson’s (Vehicles: fuel) $390.18

Advance Auto (Supplies) $9.58

Matkin Auto (Equipment maintenance) $57.96

First Net (Facility: phone) $104.32

Home Depot (Training materials) $232.54


Chief Farnsworth reported the renter has made some minor improvements in the property. She is to submit the receipts to the fire district and consideration will be given to their reimbursement. She is to inform the district of the need for any major repairs.

Chief Farnsworth reported a recycling bin has been obtained which will increase the charge from the City of Chubbuck by $5.00 per month.

It was discussed with Assistant Chief Brood how he wanted to handle the money he owes for his participation in PERSI. He requested it all be taken out of his next check.

Commissioner Allen stated he is resigning his position as commissioner for subdistrict 1 effective at the end of the meeting. He was thanked for his long service to the fire district. Ads will be placed in the Idaho State Journal, on the website and Facebook to seek a candidate for subdistrict 1 commissioner.

The next regular meeting will be July 8,2021 at 5:30 PM.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to adjourn the meeting at 9:33 PM. The motion passed unanimously.

Respectively submitted,

June Heilman, Secretary