Meeting Minutes

July 8, 2021




NBFD FIRE STATION - 444 E Chubbuck Road

July 8, 2021

Meeting was opened by Commissioner Curtis at 5:45 PM.

Roll call – Commissioner Deb Shell, Commissioner Alan Curtis, Fire Chief JR Farnsworth, Assistant Fire Chief Mark Brood, Jim Devenny, Firefighters’ Association; June Heilman, Secretary, by phone


  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to approve the agenda. The motion passed unanimously.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Shell and seconded by Commissioner Curtis to approve the minutes of the June 10, 2021 Executive Session. The motion passed unanimously.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to approve the minutes of the June 10, 2021 meeting. The motion passed unanimously.


The following balances were reported by Alan Curtis:

ICCU checking account - $349,402.98

ICCU savings account - $40,101.22

ICCU credit card balance - 0

Connections Credit Union checking account - $96,884.89

Connections Credit Union savings account - $25.00

Commissioner Curtis reported he had attended the training session on the new laws but none will have a direct effect on the district. It has been noted there is a credit of about $1,500.00 with the White Peterson law firm in Boise. A refund will be requested.


Chief Farnsworth reported there were 15 calls in June; 9 were fire calls and 2 EMS assist calls; 4 were mutual aid calls. There were 11 final new construction inspections and 16 construction site inspections. Four burn permits were issued. The burn ban went into effect on June 20th. The fire department was involved in several community events including hosting the ISU Junior Firefighter camp along with Pocatello Fire Department. The washer and dryer hookups have been completed. Commissioner Shell donated a freezer to the station. Although the department did not receive the RFC grant, the IDL donated several wildland packs, pants, shirts, safety goggles, headlamps and a sleeping bag to the department. The Fire Bucks program is being developed and will be implemented on August 1.


  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to adopt Resolution No. 2021-02 to establish and implement a program to charge mitigation rates for the deployment of emergency and nonemergency services by the fire department for services provided/rendered by/for the North Bannock Fire District. The motion passed unanimously. This action will not apply to any constituents of the fire district.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to use Fire Recovery USA, LLC as the provider to implement the cost recovery service as directed by Resolution No. 2021-02. The motion passed unanimously.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to enter the Idaho Cooperative Mobilization Agreement (ICMA) and authorize the fire chief to serve as the agency representative. The motion passed unanimously. This agreement would allow fire equipment and fire fighters from NBFD to be deployed to other fires; there would be appropriate reimbursement. There will be no deployment this year.

The fire department is arranging for NH Creative to paint several murals in the station. The initial cost was $13,000 with an initial reduction of $2,500. Sponsors have been obtained for most of the rest of the fee leaving the department to pay about $1,000 from the facility maintenance and fire prevention line items.


Assistant Chief Brood reported there are currently 30 firefighters with 16 at FF1 or above. The training in June included fire engine operations, GIFF training (wildland), Wildland Bendix King radio communications, water supply/drafting, EMS training with splinting and use of backboards and a wildland field day burning tall grass in preparation for the fireworks display.


Jim Devenney reported on a fundraiser at Red Robin which raised $481.00 and another with the AmVets which raised $748.00.


There was a brief discussion of the FY2021-2022 budget. The County will provide the final numbers on July 26th which will aid the budget process. The commissioners will have a working session on July 17th to address the budget. The budget will be finalized at the regular meeting on August 5th and then published in the Idaho State Journal. The budget hearing will be on August 26th.

Several proposals were received in response to the RFP (request for proposal) issued last month to obtain the services of an accounting firm or individual to assist with the fire district finances. The selection will be made at the next meeting.

A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell that the Board pursuant to Idaho Code § 74-206 convene in Executive Session to consider personnel matters [Idaho Code §74-206(1)(a) & (b)]. The motion passed unanimously. The Executive Session was convened at 7:02 PM.


After the Executive Session was adjourned at 7:11 PM, the regular meeting resumed.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to appoint Wes Johnson to serve as commissioner for Subdistrict 1. The motion passed unanimously. This position became vacant with the resignation of Roy Allen. The position had been advertised in the Idaho State Journal and on the district’s website. Three applications had been received.

  • Wes Johnson was sworn in as commissioner for Subdistrict 1 by Commissioner Curtis. He was welcomed to the commission and immediately began participating in the actions of the commission.

Commissioner Johnson is to contact the Elections Office as to the terms of each of the commissioners and when each will be up for reelection. This will be discussed at the August meeting.

There was a brief discussion regarding the acquisition of the land for a second station. The property owner has been contacted and has agreed to hold the land for 6 months while it is determined if the fire district can proceed with the purchase. It was decided at the last meeting that $2,000 would be offered as an earnest payment. Nathan Cuoio, the district’s attorney, is to prepare a property purchase agreement. A meeting will be scheduled with Pocatello Land and Zoning Committee to discuss the possibility of the district tying into the water/sewer services at that site.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to have a plaque prepared to give to Roy Allen in recognition of his years of service as a fire district commissioner. The motion passed unanimously.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to approve the monies received from fees and rents as listed below. The motion passed unanimously.

Stardust Coffee (Food vendor inspection) $50.00

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Shell and seconded by Commissioner Curtis to authorize the payment of the fire district invoice listed below. The motion passed unanimously.

Idaho State Journal (Ad publication) $89.05

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to authorize the payment of the fire department invoices listed below. The motion passed unanimously.

Idaho Department of Lands (Truck equipment/PPEs) $746.76

North Ridge Fire Equipment (Truck equipment/PPEs) $1,319.64

Bannock County Weed Control (Facility maintenance) $127.51

K & M Repair (Vehicle maintenance) $736.28

Office Depot (Office supplies) $18.63

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Shell and seconded by Commissioner Johnson to approve the payment of the bill pay invoices listed below. The motion passed unanimously.

Intermountain Gas (Natural gas) $19.58

Sparklight (Internet) $72.24

Idaho Power (Electricity) $187.17

City of Chubbuck (Water/sewer) $240.00

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Johnson to approve the fire department credit card charges listed below. The motion passed unanimously.

Home Depot (Training materials/equipment/facilities maintenance) $321.95

Superior Signal Company (Training materials) $127.44

Shell – Jackson’s (Vehicle fuel) $534.40

C-A-L Ranch (Shop equipment) $59.99

K & B Kwik (Supplies) $17.90

Advance Auto (Supplies) $73.13

Pony Express Car Wash (Vehicle maintenance) $39.95

Common Cents (Vehicle fuel) $47.10

Amazon (Supplies) $71.98

First Net (Facility: phone) $104.32

Snake River Rapid Wash ((Vehicle maintenance) $11.99

Good 2 Go (Vehicle fuel) $39.30

Maverik (Vehicle fuel) $36.55


A chairman for the commission will be appointed at the next meeting.

The next regular meeting will be August 5, 2021 at 5:30 PM.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to adjourn the meeting at 7:39 PM. The motion passed unanimously.

Respectively submitted,

June Heilman, Secretary