Meeting Minutes

January 14, 2021




NBFD FIRE STATION - 444 E Chubbuck Road

January 14, 2021

Meeting was opened by Commissioner Allen at 7:00 PM.

Roll call – Commissioner Roy Allen, Commissioner Alan Curtis, Commissioner Deb Shell, Fire Chief JR Farnsworth. By Zoom - Assistant Chief Mark Brood, Bryan Wheat from the Firefighters’ Association, June Heilman, Secretary


  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to approve the agenda. The motion passed unanimously.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Shell and seconded by Commissioner Curtis to approve the minutes of the December 10, 2020 meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Shell and seconded by Commissioner Allen to approve the minutes of the December 18, 2020 meeting. The motion passed unanimously.


The following balances were reported by Alan Curtis:

ICCU checking account - $265,614.22

ICCU savings account - $40,081.35

ICCU credit card balance - 0

Connections Credit Union checking account - $96,884.89

Connections Credit Union savings account - $25.00

There is a debt owed to Chubbuck Fire Department from FY2019-20 which will be presented next month for payment.


Chief Farnsworth reported there were 7 calls in December. Four of the calls were fire-related with one being a kitchen fire. There were 105 calls for 2020; 17 were mutual aid calls. There were 58 fire-related calls and 14 CO/smoke detector calls. There was a 17.3% increase in responses in the district in 2020 compared to 2019. The department participated in several community activities including a coat drive for Tyhee Elementary School. A command vehicle for the fire chief has been purchased for $15,500. It is 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee with 79,000 miles. It needs emergency lighting and a radio. A radio is also needed for Engine 21.


Chief Farnsworth reported there are 32 volunteer firefighters with 8 of the staff at FF1 or above. There are 7 new volunteers. Ten of the firefighters have completed and passed their FF1 online/in person training and will be eligible to complete their IFSAC FF1 testing in February.


  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to have Deaton & Co. prepare the FY2019-2020 audit as they have in the past. The motion passed unanimously.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Shell to renew the ISFCA membership with a maximum fee of $400. The motion passed with Commissioner Curtis voting no.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Allen to invite Ron Dykman to the February meeting and present him with a check for $250,000.00 for the final payment for the building. The motion passed unanimously.

There was no ICRMP liability update.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Shell to nullify Resolution No. 2020-05 which addressed the billing of fire services for nonresidents of the fire district. The motion passed unanimously. Chief Farnsworth will work on an alternative to address the issue.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to set the levy override at $500,000 with no annual 3% increase. The motion passed with Commissioner Curtis voting no. The attorney will be provided with the information to enable him to complete the levy election resolution and the language for the ballot.

There was a discussion of the mailing which has been sent to all residents of the fire district informing them of the need for another vote for a levy override. This information was also placed on the website and on Facebook. The commissioners were reminded they are to provide information only and must remain neutral in their discussions regarding the levy. They will develop a webcast to answer the questions regarding the levy and have it available on the website and Facebook. The fire chief is to make the necessary arrangements. Commissioner Curtis will develop a levy calculator which will be on the website.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Curtis to form a Public Outreach Committee to assist with the advertising of the levy override vote. The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Shell will chair the committee. It was emphasized the committee will need to follow the open meeting law regulations. They will also prepare another letter to be sent out later.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Allen to authorize up to $2,000 for levy vote advertising and materials. The motion passed unanimously.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Curtis to authorize the purchase of business cards for each of the commissioners. The motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Shell reported on 3 possible sites for a second fire station.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to authorize the reimbursement of the fire chief’s mileage. The motion passed unanimously.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Shell to authorize the payment of the fire district invoices as listed below. The motion passed unanimously.

Branded Auto (fire chief command vehicle) $15,514.00

State Insurance Fund (Workman’s comp insurance) $713.00

The Paperwork Place (fire district resident mailings) $1,084.15

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Shell to authorize the payment of the fire department invoices as listed below. The motion passed unanimously.

Office Depot (office supplies) $81.75

K & M Repair (vehicle maintenance) $2,886.00

Commercial Tire (truck equipment) $560.21

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Allen to approve the payment of the bill pay invoices as listed below. The motion passed unanimously.

Intermountain Gas (natural gas) $164.00

Sparklight (internet) $144.48

First Net (phone) $104.08

Idaho Power (electricity) $129.22

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to approve the fire department credit card charges as listed below. The motion passed unanimously.

Shell – Jackson’s (fuel) $241.45

Paypal:Ebay (vehicle maintenance - alternator) $325.00

Advance Auto (vehicle maintenance/equipment) $157.75

International Code Council (fire prevention) $145.00

Eagle Mountain Flag (facility fixtures) ` $57.34

Home Depot (shop equipment) $109.45


Chief Farnsworth reported the firefighters will be offered the COVID-19 vaccinations next week.

Commissioner Allen complimented the fire chief and assistant chief on their positive attitudes and their actions.

The next regular meeting will be February 11, 2021 at 7 PM.

  • A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 PM. The motion passed unanimously.

Respectively submitted,

June Heilman, Secretary