Meeting Minutes
February 25, 2021
February 25, 2021, 7:00 PM
The meeting was called to order by Debbie Shell at 7:02pm
Roll call: Mark Hinds, J.R. Farnsworth, Debbie Shell, Wes Johnson
Minutes: J.R. moved and Mark seconded the motion to approve the meeting minutes from January 28, 2021. Motion passed.
Update on Committee Projects:
The video of the 3 Commissioners answering questions regarding the levy vote has been completed and posted on Facebook and the NBFD website. Many thanks to J.R and Sagewood Media for putting the video together.
Mark reported that he had not been able to find any insurance available to cover air drops. He will continue to investigate.
J.R. reported that grants for air drops are available, if an emergency is declared by the NBFD Commissioners; these are paid for by the federal government at 80% of the cost of the drops.
J.R. shared statistics about the estimated cost per $100,000 property value that other fire district patrons are paying:
Chubbuck ~$240/$100,000
Pocatello ~$280/$100,000
NBFD (before Oct. 1, 2019) ~$50/$100,000
NBFD (w/new levy) ~$140/$100,000
J.R. continues to educate/increase awareness of NBFD response to fires on Facebook, celebrating successes even before the media reports the fire as news.
Mark offered to write the second letter to Fire District residents. He will include many of the NBFD success stories, and the importance of continuing to build on those successes. He will also include how the cost to taxpayers compares to other local fire districts. He will have a draft available for Commissioners to review at their March meeting, with the goal of having the final draft ready to send out immediately after the April Commissioners’ meeting.
The goal is to have an open house at the fire station for district residents, prior to the levy vote, if COVID restrictions allow such a gathering at that time. May 8 was set as the tentative date.
Motion for adjournment was made at 7:37pm by J.R. and seconded by Mark. Motion passed.