Meeting Minutes

December 9, 2021, 5:30pm




NBFD Fire Station – 444 E. Chubbuck Road

December 9, 2021 @ 5:30 pm

I. OPEN MEETING - Opened at 5:31pm by Commission President Shell

II. ROLL CALL - Commission President Shell, Commissioner Curtis, Commissioner Johnson, Fire Chief Brood, Board Secretary Ramirez were present.


A. A motion was made by Commissioner Johnson and was seconded by Commissioner Curtis to approve the agenda. The motion passed unanimously.

B. A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and was seconded by Commissioner Johnson to approve Todd Ramirez as the Secretary to the Board. The motion passed unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Johnson and was seconded by Commissioner Shell to approve Commissioner Curtis as the Treasurer to the Board. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Ramirez was sworn in as Secretary by Commissioner Shell. Commissioner Curtis was sworn in as Treasurer by Commissioner Shell.

C. A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and was seconded by Commissioner Johnson to approve the minutes of the November 19, 2021 Executive Session. The motion passed unanimously.

D. A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and was seconded by Commissioner Johnson to approve the minutes of the November 11, 2021 Regular Session. The motion passed unanimously.

E. A motion was made by Commissioner Johnson and was seconded by Commissioner Curtis to approve the minutes of the November 10, 2021 Executive Session. The motion passed unanimously.

F. Commissioner Curtis provided additional clarification of November 10th Executive Session and Agenda. When there is an executive session, there still needs to be a meeting agenda opening a special session with the agenda item being the executive session.


A. The reduction to the minimum account balances at Connections CU account is proceeding, but due to money transfer limitations, the accounts still have a statement balance as listed below as of 11/30/21.

Checking account - $46,884.89

Savings account - $25.00

B. The following Idaho Central CU statement balances were reported by Commissioner Curtis as of 11/30/21:

Checking account - $564,289.19

Savings account - $40,106.27

C. The audit has been received from Deaton. Commissioner Curtis will complete the review of the audit and submit it to the State.


A. There were 5 service calls in November: 1 EMS assist lift, 1 accident cleanup, and 3 fire calls, 2 of which were false alarms for permitted burns and 1 kitchen fire.

B. We currently have 28 members: 1 chief, 2 battalion chiefs, 3 captains and 22 firefighters.

C. Our volunteers conducted a stand-by for Christmas in the Night Time Sky on November 27th which included a Fireworks display.

D. Installation of the LED bay lights has been completed. We had a bid for door remotes to be placed in our apparatuses so the crews can safely shut the door after leaving the stations as well as maintain and repair the main openers. Work should be completed by the end of this month.

E. There were 6 fire inspections and one firework inspection for the month of November as well as a review for a new development off of W Tyhee and Philbin road for 4 properties.


A. EMS: Proper Personal Protective equipment (PPE) and its use on a medical call, or an accident response.

B. Fire: We conducted training on Firefighter survival, Search and Rescue, Fire company operations with deploying fire hose. All training was to prepare the staff for the training burn on December 4th.


A. Nothing was presented by the association.


A. Vehicle/apparatus acquisition - Finding a tender is proving difficult. They sell very quickly before we can get information out to the board. A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to allow Commissioner Johnson, in conjunction with Chief Brood, to spend up to $15,000 as a down payment on a tender without getting approval from the full board. The motion passed unanimously. Chief Brood also mentioned that a pickup may be needed soon.

B. Status of acquisition of land for a second station - Commissioner Shell is going to deliver the earnest money to the landowner. A survey of the land should be started.

C. A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to approve the monies received as listed below. The motion passed unanimously.

Quickbooks Refund $296.66

Bannock County Taxes $3,094.40

Vickie Warner (Rent) $400.00

D. A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Johnson to authorize the payment of the fire district invoices as listed below. The motion passed unanimously.

The Accounting Office (Accounting Services) $310.00

State Insurance Fund (Workers Comp Insurance) $1,008.00

E. A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Johnson to authorize the payment of the fire department invoices as listed below. The motion passed unanimously.

K&M Repair (Vehicle Maintenance) $51.89

F. A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Johnson to approve the payment of the bill pay invoices as listed below. The motion passed unanimously.

Sparklight (Utilities: Internet) $72.24

Intermountain Gas (Utilities: Natural Gas) $114.00

City of Chubbuck (Utilities: Water/Garbage) $220.29

Idaho Power (Utilities: Electric) $174.03

FirstNet (Utilities: Telephone) $208.16

G. One modification was made to the prepared meeting packet. The EasyKey charge was made on Commissioner Curtis’ card, not the Chief’s card. A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Johnson to approve the credit card charges as listed below. The motion passed unanimously.

Common Cents (Fuel) $63.13

Jacksons (Fuel) $299.72

Home Depot/Lowes (Facilities/Fixtures) $179.42

Overhead Door (Facilities Maintenance) $225.00

Office Max/EasyKey (Office Supplies/Equip) $438.66

USA Filing (Grant System Registration) $349.00


The first comment was whether the board secretary position had been advertised to the public. The commenter felt that all board positions are supposed to be open for the public. The commissioners explained the board secretary duties were included in the administrative assistant’s job description when that was advertised to the public.

The other comments mainly focused on whether the Board would make the meetings accessible on a platform other than Google Meet. The Board said they would further explore other options. The public also wants the meeting link posted in more places including on the agenda, the website and Facebook.


A. Investigate options for virtual meeting platforms other than Google Meet and add it as an action item on the next regular meeting.

B. Add virtual meeting links in multiple locations including the meeting agenda, on the website and on Facebook in a prominent location.

XI. Commissioner Johnson made a motion and was seconded by Commissioner Curtis to enter an executive session pursuant to Idaho Code §74-206(1)(a) to discuss personnel issues. The motion passed unanimously. Entered executive session at 6:45pm.

XII. Commissioners exited the executive session at 7:08pm.

XIII. Commissioner Curtis made a motion and was seconded by Commissioner Johnson to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously at 7:08pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Todd Ramirez, Board Secretary