Meeting Minutes
April 8, 2021
NBFD FIRE STATION - 444 E Chubbuck Road
April 8, 2021, 7:00 PM
Meeting was opened by Commissioner Curtis at 7:05 PM.
Roll call –Commissioner Alan Curtis, Commissioner Deb Shell, Fire Chief JR Farnsworth; Commissioner Roy Allen, June Heilman, Secretary, by Zoom
A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to approve the agenda. The motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Commissioner Shell and seconded by Commissioner Curtis to approve the minutes of the March 11, 2021 meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
The following balances were reported by Alan Curtis:
ICCU checking account - $392,298.56
ICCU savings account - $40,091.23
ICCU credit card balance - $104.28
Connections Credit Union checking account - $96,884.89
Connections Credit Union savings account - $25.00
It has been determined that Mark Brood is eligible to participate in PERSI as he is a Class 1 employee.
NCUA and not the FDIC guarantees the deposits in credit unions. Since each of the commissioners is considered a depositor and each depositor is guaranteed coverage up to $250,000, the limit for NBFD is about $750,000. Therefore, it will not be necessary to move funds often. A commissioner’s personal account is part of the $250,000.
Chief Farnsworth reported there were 8 calls in March. Three were 3 fire calls due to out-of-control controlled burns. Fifty-four burn permits were issued. There were 3 final building inspections and 15 construction site inspections. BLM is developing a Mountain Bike Trail System called the Pioneer Ridge Trail which will be accessed near the Archery Range off Pocatello Creek Road. Some district constituents have raised a concern of an increased fire danger as a result. Command 1 is in service with lights, sirens, graphics and a radio installed. Additional plumbing will be added to Tender 1. All NBFD units now have mobile radios. The department has received 5 wildland shelters and 3 training shelters from the IDL Cache. A grant has been submitted to the Idaho Department of Lands Rural Fire Capacity for 20 fire shelters and 20 wildland packs. A virtual class called “Science Talks” was presented for Zoo Idaho. The department will host the Idaho State University’s Junior Firefighter Camp in June.
A motion was made by Commissioner Shell and seconded by Commissioner Curtis to reimburse the fire chief $116.33 for the use of his personal vehicle. The motion passed unanimously.
Chief Farnsworth presented the training report in Assistant Chief Brood’s absence. The training in March included Engine Company Operations, gas leaks and carbon monoxide alarm responses. There was also a radio communications training/refresher course. A BLM member conducted the RT-130 Wildland Fire Safety Training annual refresher course. Four members attended a BLM S-131 (Wildland FFType I and ICT5 class)
A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to set the date of the budget hearing for August 26, 2021 at 7 PM at the fire station. The motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Shell reported on the March meeting of the Outreach Committee. They have prepared a letter to be sent out to the constituents of the fire district. They are planning an open house at the fire station on May 1, 2021. They are also planning a media blitz to encourage the district constituents to vote on the proposed levy in May.
A motion was made by Commissioner Shell and seconded by Commissioner Curtis to amend the Fire Department COVID – 19 policy to recommend rather than require the use of facial coverings, physical distancing and the use of hand sanitizers. The motion passed with Commissioner Allen voting no. This action was necessitated by the acknowledgement that the current policy was not being enforced.
A motion was made by Commissioner Shell and seconded by Commissioner Curtis to authorize the payment of the fire district invoice listed below. The motion passed unanimously.
White Peterson (Attorney) $127.50
A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to authorize the payment of the fire department invoices listed below. The motion passed unanimously.
Office Depot (Office supplies) $8.79
Premier Vehicle Installation (Vehicles: add-on equipment) $4,350.48
Weidner Fire (Volunteer benefits: awards) $941.38
Chaud Company (Facility: fixtures) $1,639.00
K & M Repair (Vehicles: maintenance) $81.89
Electric Construction & Sales (Facility: maintenance) $216.40
City of Chubbuck (Facilities: water/sewer) $208.09
White Cloud Communications (Equipment: communications) $4,946.00
Vector Solutions (Training: software) $3,963.95
Sign Up, Inc (Vehicles: add-on equipment) $928.06
A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to approve the payment of the bill pay invoices listed below. The motion passed unanimously.
Intermountain Gas (Natural gas) $373.78
Sparklight (Internet) $72.24
Idaho Power (Electricity) $166.04
A motion was made by Commissioner Shell and seconded by Commissioner Curtis to approve the fire department credit card charges listed below. The motion passed unanimously.
Paramount Supply (Vehicles: add-on equipment) $393.20
Grainger (Vehicles: add-on equipment) $184.40
Advance Auto (Supplies/Vehicles: maintenance) $272.61
Maverick (Vehicles: fuel) $43.11
Home Depot (Supplies/fixtures/truck equipment) $216.33
Common Cents (Vehicles: fuel) $187.78
Car ID (Vehicles: add-on equipment) $253.24
Walmart (Facilities: fixtures) $18.96
First Net (Facility: phone) $104.28
Shell – Jackson’s (Vehicles: fuel) $338.56
Arby’s (Fire event: food) $30.48
The next regular meeting will be May 13, 2021 at 7 PM.
A motion was made by Commissioner Curtis and seconded by Commissioner Shell to adjourn the meeting at 8:34 PM. The motion passed unanimously.
Respectively submitted,
June Heilman, Secretary