Meeting Minutes

September 30, 2019, 7:00 PM




Location: 13041 N. Yellowstone Hwy & Tyhee Rd, Pocatello ID

September 30, 2019 @ 7 PM

The meeting was opened by Roy Allen at 7:10 PM.

ROLL CALL – Roy Allen, Alan Curtis. Steve Klauser by telephone

* Alan Curtis moved that the agenda be approved. It was seconded by Roy Allen. The motion passed unanimously.

FIRE CHIEF REPORT: Chief Farnsworth reported the department is ready to begin operation at 12:00 tonight. They picked up the water tender on Saturday. They have the fire engine. The brush truck should be here next week. In the interim the Fire Chief has a wildland unit on his pickup. They have 32 volunteers who have been split into platoons. Each platoon will be on call for a week at a time. They have had a practice dispatch. All 3 commissioners are on the paging system. The State Fire Marshall will certify the department in the next couple of weeks.

Mark Brood, the Assistant Chief and Training Officer, addressed the EMS issue. There are about 6 firefighters who are also EMTs. They need to be affiliated with a fire department with an EMS component in order to maintain their certification. Curtis Sandy MD and Marc Farnworth MD will be joint medical directors. The firefighters have all been trained in CPR. There main medical function will be CPR and lifting assistance. They will provide BLS care but are not a QRU and will not transport. They have a medical kit for each vehicle.

* Roy Allen made a motion to approve the signing of the Independent Contractor

Agreement for Dr Sandy. It was seconded by Alan Curtis. The motion passed unanimously.

The treasurer was not present to present a financial report. There is $22,000 left in the budget for this year. Any remaining monies at the end of the Fiscal Year are transferred into the reserve fund.

* Roy Allen made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 17th, 2019 meeting.

It was seconded by Alan Curtis. The motion passed unanimously.

* Roy Allen made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 27th, 2019 meeting.

It was seconded by Alan Curtis. The motion passed unanimously.

There was a discussion of the need to purchase 2 command vehicles. The Fire Chief will need a larger SUV; the Assistant Fire Chief will need a pickup. There is a used command vehicle which is fully outfitted in the Rexburg area which can only be obtained through the bidding process.

* Roy Allen made a motion to allocate up to $20,000 for the purchase of a vehicle for the Fire Chief. It was seconded by Alan Curtis. The motion passed unanimously.

* Alan Curtis made a motion to submit a bid in the amount of $13,006 for the command vehicle which is outfitted, but ONLY if it decided that it meets certain specifications and the needs of the department. It was seconded by Roy Allen. The motion passed unanimously.

Frank Nuding, the realtor for the Dykman building reviewed the Purchase and Sale Agreement. He agreed to add a Phase 1 ESA. The building can be occupied as soon as this agreement is signed.

* Roy Allen made a motion to accept and sign the Purchase and Sale Agreement. It was seconded by Alan Curtis. The motion passed unanimously. Roy Allen and Alan Curtis signed the document.

There was a discussion regarding the debit cards. They will be phased out and replaced with credit cards at some point. The Fire District is utilizing the policy developed by Bannock County for the use of the cards.

All 3 commissioners will have to go to a Connections Credit Union with a copy of the minutes confirming the appointment of Alan Curtis as the new commissioner to enable him to be able to sign the Fire District checks. Bruce Savage will be removed from the account.

Roy Allen reported there is an ISFCA (Idaho State Fire Commissioners Association) meeting in November. It would be beneficial for the new commissioner, Alan Curtis, and the commissioner-elect, Deb Shell for Subdistrict 3, to attend. The Fire Chief and secretary could also attend as there are sessions pertinent to them.

* Roy Allen made a motion to send Alan Curtis, Deb Shell, the Fire Chief and secretary to the meeting and to cover all associated costs including conference fees, per diem, hotel rooms and mileage. It was seconded by Steve Klauser. The motion passed unanimously.

* Roy Allen made a motion to pay all invoices. It was seconded by Alan Curtis. The motion passed unanimously. The invoices are listed below.

Litho Printing (maps, business cards, office supplies) $1,086.55

Office Max (office supplies) $64.45

US Postal Service (postage) $55.00

L N Curtis (fire equipment) $4,278.93

Safari Printing (printing, postage, mailings) $549.08

Matkin Truck Auto (equipment) $2,863.69

Home Depot (tool kits, tools) $332.92

Advance Auto (engine maintenance) $359.97

North Ridge Fire Equipment (fire equipment) $212.62

K & M Repair (engine maintenance) $1,778.36

Prevent Fire (fire extinguishers) $2,473.00

Flying J (fuel) $32.31

Weidner Fire (equipment) $474.46

MES (equipment) $8,744.97

Emergency Responder Training (CPR cards) $550.00

Steve Riley (meeting room) $50.00

* Alan Curtis made a motion to sign the Mutual Aid Agreement for Fire Protection. It was seconded by Roy Allen. The motion passed unanimously.


Chief Farnsworth stated he wants the fire department to participate in the ISU Homecoming Parade. The entry fee is $95. He also requested funds for candy, stickers and little fire hats. This can be funded out of the Public Outreach budget.

* Alan Curtis made a motion to allocate up to $300 for the parade. It was seconded by Roy Allen. The motion passed unanimously.

Chief Farnsworth indicated a need for a computer, internet service and a phone. Alan Curtis will provide the computer at no cost.

* Alan Curtis made a motion to allocate up to $100/ month for internet service. It was seconded by Roy Allen. The motion passed unanimously. Spark Light (Cable One), Century Link or True Fiber are to be selected depending on the best deal.

* Alan Curtis made a motion to allocate up to $150 for a cable modum if needed. It was seconded by Roy Allen. The motion passed unanimously.

* Alan Curtis made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Steve Klauser. The motion passed unanimously.

Respectively submitted,

June Heilman