Meeting Minutes

June 21, 2019, 7:00 PM


North Bannock County Fire District

Location: 13041 N Yellowstone Hwy. Pocatello ID

June 21, 2019 @ 7 PM

Meeting opened by Roy Allen, President


Roll call: Commissioners - Roy Allen, Steve Klauser, Bruce Savage

The Executive Session was closed.

The BUDGET HEARING was opened at 7:30 PM

Roy Allen informed the public that the amended budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 had been posted at the meeting site, on the website and in the Idaho State Journal. He stated the District cannot spend money unless it is budgeted. Grants cannot be applied for until the Fire Department is operational.

*Motion by Bruce Savage and seconded by Steve Klauser to open the amended budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019. The motion passed unanimously.

*Motion by Bruce Savage and seconded by Steve Klauser to accept the amended budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019. The motion passed unanimously.

*Motion by Bruce Savage and seconded by Steve Klauser to close the budget hearing. The motion passed unanimously.

The Budget Hearing was closed.

The SPECIAL MEETING was opened.

*Motion by Bruce Savage and seconded by S. Klauser to approve the minutes of June 11, 2019 meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

*Motion by Roy Allen and seconded by Steve Klauser to approve the minutes of June 15, 2019 meeting. The motion passed with Bruce Savage abstaining.

*Motion by Roy Allen and seconded by Bruce Savage to work with The Bancorp for the purchase and leasing of equipment and to expend the necessary funds. The motion passed unanimously.

*Motion by Roy Allen and seconded by Bruce Savage to accept Mark Brood as the Training Officer. The motion passed unanimously. It was explained that he teaches fire fighting for the School District. His hiring will enable the Fire District to use the school’s training facilities also.

*Motion by Bruce Savage and seconded by Steve Klauser to accept the NBCFD Policy Manual. The motion passed unanimously.

Steve Klauser and Roy Allen signed the Management Representation for Deaton. Deaton and Company had completed the audit which the District has passed.

Motion by Steve Klauser and seconded by Roy Allen to authorize the payment of the bill from the Idaho State Journal for $161.37. The motion passed unanimously.

There was a brief discussion regarding 911/EMS calls. The Fire Department will not be responding to EMS calls unless there is a major disaster. Bannock Fire and Rescue is available to assist with extrication, etc.

There was a discussion regarding fire inspections. Merlin Miller of the Chubbuck Fire Department may still do them. If not other arrangements will need to be made. The public was informed that if someone is interested in doing them, they should let the commissioners know.

In regard to burn permits, Alan Curtis is setting up an online payment system. Arrangements will need to be made to get the information to the Bannock County Dispatch.

It is anticipated that the Sheriff’s Department will provide dispatching for the NBCFD as it does for the other 6 fire districts in the county.


Motion by Bruce Savage and seconded by Roy Allen to open the meeting for public comment.

Comments were received and questions answered. The public was informed that the Levy Election will be held on August 6, 2019. There was discussion regarding the requirements for training the volunteer fire fighters. Information will be provided to the citizens of the Fire District to inform them of the levy.

*Motion by Bruce Savage and seconded by Steve Klauser to adjourn the meeting. The motion

passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

June Heilman, Secretary